
Crystalline waterproofing is a process where the active ingredients in a crystalline product react with the free lime and moisture in the concrete to form crystals within the capillary system of the concrete. This process effectively fills any microcracks, pores and capillaries inside the concrete with an insoluble crystalline formation that prevents water and water-borne chemicals from entering, even under high hydrostatic pressure.

In other words, the crystalline technology is self-sealing because the concrete itself becomes a water barrier. Crystalline waterproofing products are available in two application methods – it can be applied by Surface Application or by adding into the concrete, like an Admixture.

Illustration of crystalline waterproofingIllustration of Crystalline Waterproofing Process

So, what are the main benefits of using crystalline waterproofing as compared to other more traditional waterproofing methods?

1. Increased Durability

Illustration of the crystallisation process

Whenever any form of water enters the concrete, be it from new cracks or pores, the crystalline technology triggers new crystals to grow and seal the pores in the concrete. The crystals that formed within the concrete are insoluble and will be resistant to physical damage and do not deteriorate, there is no danger of punctures, tears or seam leaks.

As a result, a building’s durability increases when crystalline waterproofing systems are used.

2. Versatility in Applications

brush, spray or sprinkle crystalline waterproofing application

The crystalline waterproofing systems are highly versatile, useful and reliable for a wide range of applications such as dry sprinkle, slurry application, or as an admixture. As the crystalline technology promotes and enhances the natural hydration process of cement, it becomes suitable for complex architectural designs that require secure waterproofing in any shape or form.

3. No VOCs


Crystalline waterproofing systems do not contain any volatile organic compound (VOC) and can be completely recycled after demolition. No membrane separation is required from the concrete.

Moreover, waterborne contaminants are not present in the concrete, and petroleum-based materials are not left behind to leach into soil.

4. Efficient Installation

Efficient installation icon

Crystalline technology makes installation simple and does not require protection against damages which in turn helps to cut out the time required for installation of the protection layers. This greatly reduces manpower and shortens the construction schedule.

5. Cost-saving

Cost saving building icon

Owing to its simple installation procedures and no requirement for protection layer, crystalline waterproofing reduces the cost on longer construction schedule, manpower to install protection layers and the protection layers.

With such a permanent high-quality concrete protection, crystalline waterproofing technology allows for a larger building footprint and lesser maintenance and repairs over the long term.

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Vandex has been at the forefront of developing innovative and sustainable waterproofing solutions since 1946

Vandex has revolutionised the waterproofing industry by obtaining the first crystalline patent in the world. As a leader in preservation of structures in more than 60 countries, our expert team are on hand to help you in any current or upcoming project that requires crystalline waterproofing. Do get in touch with our waterproofing specialists.

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